Upcoming CPD workshops

  • The Impact of Autism on Family Dynamics with Fiona Goodwin-Lynch

    Sunday 23rd March, 9:30am-1pm

    Location: Online via Zoom

    Our AGM followed by online training by Fiona Goodwin-Lynch, talking about the impact of autism on family dynamics and working with that in mind.

  • Breathwork with Sara Francia

    Sunday 27th April, 3:30-6pm

    Location: Both online in Tufnell Park, and in-person on Zoom

    ACPNL member Sara Francia, founder of We Breathe Yoga, will lead an inclusive breathwork workshop for all ages and physical abilities which you can either attend in person or join in from your yoga mat at home.

  • The Embodied Therapist: Resourcing Yourself with Audrey Boss

    Sunday 15th June, 10am-1pm

    Location: Terapia, N3

    As therapists, most of us spend a lot of time sitting in chairs - as an antidote to this, we are promoting our 'Embodied movement for Therapists' interactive workshop run by specialist Audrey Boss - for all ages and physical abilities.

Continuing Professional Development for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Our varied range of CPD workshops are held either in-person in North London, or online via Zoom. Currently all of our meetings are on Sundays.

Workshops cost £25 for members, and £35 for non-members.

All are welcome. To book your place visit our Eventbrite page.

Would you like to present a CPD workshop or suggest a speaker? Get in touch!

Past ACPNL CPD Workshops

  • Lifelong Resilience with Dalma Loewy

  • Intercultural Issues with Baffour Ababio

  • Working with Autistic Clients with Leo Ricketts

  • Narcissism with Henry Adeane

  • Domestic Abuse with Christiane Sanderson

  • Erotic Co-Transference and Enactment: Risk, Rupture, Repair with Henry Adeane

  • On Being an Autistic Therapist with Leo Ricketts

  • Let’s Talk About Sex with Katrina Redpath

  • Using Polyvagal Therapy with Jacquie Karaca

  • Bipolar Problems with Mutahira M Qureshi

  • Creatively Connecting with the Inner Child with Sarah Webber

  • Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversity (GSRD) with Karen Pollock

  • Polyvagal Theory with Wale Oladipo

  • Drop the Disorder! with Jo Watson

Testimonials from our CPD workshops

  • I was moved by people's openness and willingness to share their personal experiences.

  • Was a very useful and thought provoking workshop providing information and understanding of Neurodiversity and ADHD. I valued Leo's honesty when sharing his story and personal difficulties.

  • Very interesting, inclusive and well presented.

  • Good to hear Leo’s personal journey.

  • Relevant and insightful.

  • This is a topic that is currently widely debated and society’s attitudes to it are in a state of change. Our personal attitudes to it are extremely relevant, l think, to understanding and managing our family and social relationships ( not to mention our relationships with ourselves).

  • I always find the ACPNL workshops - originating, as they do, with a focus on client/therapist relationships and the intention of enriching professional understandings, add a lot to my thinking generally. I thought that Leo’s account of his personal growth and insights over recent years, movingly and effectively made the link between personal and professional and offered a lot of food for thought.

  • I appreciated Christiane's wealth of knowledge and experience and also her down-to-earth approach. There was enough material for a couple of workshops. The material was put across in a way that I easily understood and retained.

  • The speaker was excellent. She covered so much in just 3hrs. Attending this workshop would be most beneficial for anyone working with abused clients. Thank you ACPNL for offering this excellent workshop.

  • It was amazing! Maybe it was even too short, considering the nature of the topic. Reasonable price, a fantastic deliverer, and good timing. I enjoyed having the reading beforehand.